St James's



Piccadilly Arcade

  Blue Ball Yard


The circular walk is from Green Park tube Station and the linear walk from Charing Cross Station to St James's Park or Westminster tube stations.
Travelcard zone 1
The area is named from a leper hospital on the site of which Henry VIII built a Royal Palace. Major developments followed the construction in 1663 of St James's Square and Wren's church built in 1684. It has always been a fashionable area.

There are plenty of places to eat and picnic. See route pages for ideas


The circular walk is 2½ miles and the linear 3½ miles both along paths and pavements A feature of this walk is its many galleries, clubs, and historic shops including four arcades. There are also a number of statues and memorials. [Circular route]

[Linear route]

[Additional Information]

[walks list]