

former Dalton's premises

  Christ Church


  Devonshire Square


The circular walk is from Liverpool Street Station (Underground or mainline). The linear walk begins at London Bridge Station and ends at Liverpool Street Station from where bus 133 returns to London Bridge
Travelcard zone 1
From 1685 Huguenots fled persecution to London many settling in Spitalfields where they worked as silk weavers. These were to be followed by Jews and later Bengalis. In the 1880s the district became notorious as Jack the Ripper's victims were found in its back streets. A hundred years after this Broad Street Station closed to be replaced with the large scale Broadgate development.

There are numerous refreshment places including in Spitalfields Market. Choice may be limited at weekends.


Linear 4 miles
Circular 2½ miles pavement walking
The main feature of this walk is the contrast between Spitalfields and the new developments of Broadgate, separated only by Bishopsgate.
The section from London Bridge takes in a number of City churches.
[Route & what to see]

[Additional Information]


[walks list]