Additional Information

Visit the CLOCKTOWER BUILDING in Katherine Street where you can:

Most sections are open Monday - Saturday check website

The following REFERENCE SOURCES which I used and others should be in the local studies library.
They may also be available to borrow or purchase.
Retracing the First Public Railway
Retracing Canals to Croydon & Camberwell
Croydon Old & New
Conservation Areas of Croydon
A Walk around Central Croydon
The Queens Gardens
Croydon’s Parks - an illustrated history
Old Ordnance Survey Map- Central Croydon 1895

Some CROYDON BUILDINGS, including the Town Hall and Whitgift Almhouses, are occasionally open for visits.


It is worth visiting CROYDON PALACE which is open for guided tours in school holidays. Their website includes details along with pictures and other information.

Details of the CROYDON SOCIETY, its activities and Focus magazine archive are available on their website

The CROYDON NATURAL HISTORY & SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY website has published numerous illustrated books on Croydon’s local history and transport. It is also responsible for setting up the ‘Museum without Walls’ a series of information boards at selected tramstops relating to local finds.

This route was used by GLIAS as the basis for one of its summer 2001 walks led by Danny Hayton. Additional information provided by Paul Sowan appears in newsletter No.195. website

You may like to visit PARK HILL Recreation Ground situated alongside the railway by East Croydon (entrance in Barclay Road). This was once part of a deer park in which the Archbishops hunted. A reservoir (1851) and water tower (1867) were built, the latter now a feature of the park. At the far end is Coombe Cliffe, the former home of John Horniman (of tea and museum fame). There is also a flower garden set up by the Croydon Society and dedicated to Cecily Mary Barker, a resident of Croydon, who drew the Flower Fairies. 2011

[route & what to see] [walks list]