National Monuments Record

site map

The NMR is a division of English Heritage, based in Swindon but with a London collection. Hundreds of boxes of photographs, taken between the 1870s and the 1980s, are available on open access. Collections including on Odeon Cinemas and stations are held. Also survey reports and measured drawings as produced by the RCHME. There are books and journals on architectural history on the shelves. Material can be copied, subject to copyright status, for private study only. Consult NMR for permission and charges for commercial use.

The NMR maintains a computerised database of all the listed buildings in England. You can request information on up to 3 structures by completeing a form. This service is free but subject to staff availability.The 'Images of England' project aims to photograph and record all 370,000 listed buildings throughout the country. Thousands are already available on the website.
A free information pack on NMR services is available.

Note that the NMR no longer have a London search room but operate a remote enquiry service undertaking research and supplying copies of material by post or e-mail.

© 2004