Quiz 11

Deptford Quiz walk


Follow this route around Deptford and answer questions on the way. Instructions are given from Deptford Station but as it is circular you can start from any point.

Hint: You will find it easier if you cross roads where indicated and avoid market days (Wednesday, Friday & Saturday).

The first passenger railway in London, designed by GT Landmann, was built between Deptford (later Greenwich) and Spa Road (later London Bridge). The inclined plane was constructed to carry rolling stock onto the railway track.
1) What is the clearance height of the railway bridge?

Right along the High Street. Tomi’s Kitchen was an Edwardian pub called ‘The Mechanics Arms’.
2) What shape are the windows in the corner turret?

Our Lady of the Assumption RC Church was built in 1845.
3) When was it enlarged?

Right at Douglas Way.
4) A wall is decorated with steet art. What animal is Alfie?

The Albany Institute was founded in the 1890s and operated from premises in Creek Road. It was gutted by fire in July 1978 and demolished in 1981 to be replaced by the new building in Douglas Way.
5) How many cycle racks are outside?

Left into Watson Street. The building with mauve doors was formerly the coroner’s court with an adjoining mortuary, both built in 1906.
6) Who uses the premises now?
Margaret McMillan Park opened in 1954 and was originally laid out between Watson Street and Glenville Grove with a series of lawns along Douglas Way. Improvements made to the park in 1998 included a new playground.
7) How many swings are there?

At number 18 is a fine Arts & Crafts house.
8) When was this built?

Continue to New Cross Road. Iyengar Yoga is housed in premises built for the New Cross Building Society.
9) When was this society established?

Cross and go left along New Cross Road.
Addey & Stanhope School, designed by Sir Alfred Brumwell Thomas, was built to replace two charity schools in 1899. Opposite was the site of the New Cross Empire (1899-1954/8).
10) What is the school motto, shown on the coat of arms?
Further along the shops set back replaced the Broadway Theatre designed by WGR Sprague in 1897 and built on the site of a corn and seed warehouse at 'Agars Corner'. It was used as a cinema 1916-1963.
There is a view through to Tanners Hill where numbers 27 -31 (built in 1728-30) are rare survivors of three roomed timber-framed houses. Wellbeloved Butchers is an old established business.
11) What occupies the premises to the left of this shop?

Cross into Deptford High Street.
12) The premises at numbers 8-12 were built for which trader?

Until 1825 this street was known as Butt Lane and was mainly residental. A number of old houses remain behind added shop fronts. Number 13 has a bowed front and ionic columns.
13) What colour front door does it have?
14) Number 26 (built in 1811) had what name?
15) What would you buy at number 49?

Cross the High Street when you reach Hales Street.
16) Paddy Power occupies which former pub?
Number 77 (now High Street Flowers) was used as a ladies’ school 1820s-1860s.
17) What was it called?

Look into Frankham Street where an ‘S’ indicating an air raid shelter can still be seen on the wall.
18) How far away was it?

Right at Giffin Street.
19) What is the mural here titled?

The open space, which has stalls on market days, was the site of a fun fair until 1961. Some old industrial premises remain.
20) What is the name of the academy here?

21) Which building houses the library?
Opposite (in a parking area) is a mural of Deptford Dockyard.

Continue to the end of Giffin Street then left at Deptford Church Street.
22) How many storeys high is Browne House?

Left along Resolution Way.
The railway was laid across four miles of mainly gardens and meadowland on a viaduct of 878 arches which utilised some 60 million bricks! The arches supporting this have been utilsed as stabling, storage and workshops.
23) How many arches are there along this section?

Right at Deptford High Street.
The Salvation Army shop has a plaque recording that this was the site of the Quaker Meeting House (demolished in 1907) attended by Peter the Great during his stay in Deptford.
24) Who was the architect of this replacement building?

Through the churchyard to St Paul's Church.
This was one of the '50 new churches' built in 1713-30 on the site of a market garden and 5 small houses. The Baroque style building by Thomas Archer is in Portland Stone with a semi-circular portico. The curved east end features a Venitian window and there is a north rose window by Alan Younger commemorating Father Diamond.
25) According to the inscription over the entrance who consecrated the building?

Continue through the churchyard to left of the church.
At the far end of the churchyard is a former mortuary building. Nearby is a table tomb.
26) Whose property is this vault?

Exit the churchyard and go left at Deptford Church Street to traffic lights.
27) The fire hydrant set in the pavement has what number on it?

Left between flats and railings through to Albury Street (originally Union Street).
These fine houses with carved doorcases were built from c1706 by Thomas Lucas and provided homes for sea captains and shipwrights. Some on the north side have been rebuilt and only a few on the south side remain.
28) Which two houses have figures of cherubs/putti?
29) How many chimneys are there between numbers 15 and 17?

Left into Deptford High Street
30) Number 181 is part of what Place?

This replaced 14 properties of c1700 known as Tinderbox Row which were demolished in 1843.

Cross the High Street by St Pauls.
31) The restaurant/bar at number 162 was formerly which pub?

Number 150 built around 1680 is one of Deptford's earliest surviving houses; its neighbour at 152 was rebuilt in the 1990s after being bombed in WWII.
32) What does number 150 sell?


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